How to Be Free has been very successful as a free ebook. I decided to do a print-on-demand paperback version through Lulu because this makes it possible to get it into some libraries and maybe a few book shops. So far it is early days and I've only sold a couple of copies, but I have submitted it for the library selection system in Australia. I also intend to donate copies to libraries which don't chose to buy it, so any profit I might make on sales will help to fund that project.
Recently I was able to sign up for a free promotion campaign with Lulu so that the book can be sold by all of the Amazon stores (U.S., U.K., Canada, Germany, France). For some reason the Canadian site has it listed as "unavailable" but I'm sure that will change. It should also become available through some other on-line bookstores eventually.
My good friend The Happy Looker has posted a review on Amazon :
If you would like to help out, consider posting a review on Amazon. If you have written a review elsewhere you can always cut and paste it. Or consider requesting your local library to purchase a copy. If the book was helpful to you, think of the satisfaction of knowing you are bringing the same kind of help to others by putting it somewhere they may find it.
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